Emergency Lighting Systems
Emergency lighting is lighting for an emergency when the main power supply is interrupted, and the usual electrical illumination fails. The loss of mains electricity could be the result of a fire or a power cut. Without emergency lighting this could lead to sudden darkness and possible danger to occupants, either through physical danger or panic. An emergency lighting system is normally required to operate fully automatically for a pre-determined time and provide a sufficient light level that allows all occupants of a building to evacuate in a safe manner. The light can be provided by way of maintained luminaires (always illuminated), non-maintained luminaires (illuminate when the normal power supply is interrupted), or combined luminaires (contains 2 or more lamps, at least one of which is energised from the emergency lighting supply and the other(s) from the normal lighting supply – These can be either maintained or non-maintained units). We can undertake the annual full rated duration, or “drain” 3-hour test of your emergency lighting system.